►NVespucci | A namespace for "global" functions, including math functions |
►NExternal | |
Cdata_object | |
CFileInterprocess | |
CInterprocessSender | |
►NMath | A namespace for math functions relating to linear least squares regression |
►NClustering | |
CAHCA | The AHCA class Handles agglomerative hierarchical clustering of data This class holds a tree which represents the clustering dendrogram |
CAHCALeaf | |
CAHCANode | The AHCANode class This class stores a node in the data structure representing the AHCA dendrogram The AHCA dendrogram is a binary tree, each node stores two children, and its parent, if it exists. The root node has a NULL parent. The "leaves", which store single indices have null children |
CDistanceMetricWrapper | |
CKMeansWrapper | The KMeansWrapper class mlpack relies heavily on template metaprogramming. This means that you only need to compile what you actually use. But Vespucci must be precompiled with all possible options availible at runtime. Here, we instantiate supported combinations of template parameters for the kmeans class in mlpack |
CGlobalGradient | |
CAboutDialog | The AboutDialog class A QDialog that displays information about Vespucci |
CAbscissaInterpolationDialog | |
CAbscissaTransformDialog | |
CAbstractDataAnalyzer | The AbstractDataAnalyzer class Pure abstract class describing an object that can be passed as a pointer to gui widgets |
CAHCADialog | |
CAnalysisResults | The AnalysisResults class A container for a mat object that allows a mat to be copied to a heap-allocated object (this) so pointers to that mat cannot go out of scope. These objects should be heap-allocated inside smart pointers |
CBandRatioDialog | The BandRatioDialog class The dialog that allows the user to create a band-ratio map |
CBaselineDialog | The BaselineDialog class The dialog that allows the user to baseline-correct the data |
CBooleanizeDialog | |
CBulkConversionDialog | |
CCitationDialog | The CitationDialog class The dialog that displays how to cite Vespucci |
CClassicalLeastSquaresDialog | |
CColorRangeDialog | |
CCropDialog | The CropDialog class A dialog that allows the user to "Crop" the dataset (delete all spectra that are outside of a chosen spatial range) |
CDataModel | |
CDatasetExtractorDialog | |
CDatasetImportDialog | The DatasetImportDialog class Dialog that allows the user to import files into the program |
CDatasetListModel | |
CDatasetTreeModel | |
CDataViewer | The DataViewer class Window that displays dataset elements in a QTableView widget inside a QTabWidget |
CDataWidget | |
CDimensionalityEstimationDialog | |
CFilterDialog | The FilterDialog class This dialog allows the user to apply filtering, smoothing or derivatization to the dataset |
CFourierTransformDialog | |
CGlobalGradientDialog | |
CHistoryDialog | |
CHypothesisTestDialog | |
CKMeansDialog | The KMeansDialog class Allows the user to create a k-means clustering map |
CMacroDialog | |
CMacroParser | |
CMainWindow | The MainWindow class The main window of the program, this is where the user performs most operations |
CMapData | The MapData class Class for processed map data. Images are created from this data |
CMapDialog | |
CMapListModel | Exposes the UI to the contents of the master map list |
CMapPlot | The MapPlot class A subclass of QCustomPlot for handling a specfic kind of color map. Provides a wrapper for a QCPColorScale and a QCPColorMap which are child widgets |
CMapViewer | The MapViewer class Displays the image created by MapData |
CMatrixAnalyzer | |
CMatrixSelectionDialog | |
CMetaAnalysisDialog | |
CMetaAnalyzer | The MetaAnalyzer class This class is used to perform analysis on "pseudo-datasets". This allows us perform analysis on a concatentated spectra matrix from multiple datasets (the MultiAnalyzer derived class) or on a single matrix in a single dataset (the MatrixAnalyzer derived class). This class is not concerned with how the data_ and abscissa_ members are initialized (this is handled by GetData in derived classes) |
CMetaDataset | The MetaDataset class A subclass of VespucciDataset for datasets created from multiple other datasets. this stores information about the parents |
CMetaDatasetDialog | |
CMlpackPCAData | |
CMultiAnalysisDialog | |
CMultiAnalyzer | The MultiAnalyzer class This class handles the execution of multivariate analysis across multiple datasets. Each analysis method will create an AnalysisResults object smart pointer that is shared by all datasets used, plus an auxiliary matrix in each dataset for data that corresponds to spectra |
CMultiImportDialog | |
CPlotMakerDialog | |
CPlotViewer | |
CPlotWidget | |
CPLSData | The PLSData class A class for performing and storing data related to partial least squares determinant analysis |
CPLSDialog | The PLSDialog class Dialog that allows the user to perform PLS determinant analysis |
CPrincipalComponentsData | The PrincipalComponentsData class A class for performing and storing data from principal components analysis |
CPrincipalComponentsDialog | The PrincipalComponentsDialog class Dialog for performing principal components analysis |
CPythonShellDialog | |
CQCPAbstractItem | The abstract base class for all items in a plot |
CQCPAbstractLegendItem | The abstract base class for all entries in a QCPLegend |
CQCPAbstractPlottable | The abstract base class for all data representing objects in a plot |
CQCPAxis | Manages a single axis inside a QCustomPlot |
►CQCPAxisPainterPrivate | |
CCachedLabel | |
CTickLabelData | |
CQCPAxisRect | Holds multiple axes and arranges them in a rectangular shape |
CQCPBarData | Holds the data of one single data point (one bar) for QCPBars |
CQCPBars | A plottable representing a bar chart in a plot |
CQCPBarsGroup | Groups multiple QCPBars together so they appear side by side |
CQCPColorGradient | Defines a color gradient for use with e.g. QCPColorMap |
CQCPColorMap | A plottable representing a two-dimensional color map in a plot |
CQCPColorMapData | Holds the two-dimensional data of a QCPColorMap plottable |
CQCPColorScale | A color scale for use with color coding data such as QCPColorMap |
CQCPColorScaleAxisRectPrivate | |
CQCPCurve | A plottable representing a parametric curve in a plot |
CQCPCurveData | Holds the data of one single data point for QCPCurve |
CQCPData | Holds the data of one single data point for QCPGraph |
CQCPFinancial | A plottable representing a financial stock chart |
CQCPFinancialData | Holds the data of one single data point for QCPFinancial |
CQCPGraph | A plottable representing a graph in a plot |
CQCPGrid | Responsible for drawing the grid of a QCPAxis |
CQCPItemAnchor | An anchor of an item to which positions can be attached to |
CQCPItemBracket | A bracket for referencing/highlighting certain parts in the plot |
CQCPItemCurve | A curved line from one point to another |
CQCPItemEllipse | An ellipse |
CQCPItemLine | A line from one point to another |
CQCPItemPixmap | An arbitrary pixmap |
CQCPItemPosition | Manages the position of an item |
CQCPItemRect | A rectangle |
CQCPItemStraightLine | A straight line that spans infinitely in both directions |
CQCPItemText | A text label |
CQCPItemTracer | Item that sticks to QCPGraph data points |
CQCPLayer | A layer that may contain objects, to control the rendering order |
CQCPLayerable | Base class for all drawable objects |
CQCPLayout | The abstract base class for layouts |
CQCPLayoutElement | The abstract base class for all objects that form the layout system |
CQCPLayoutGrid | A layout that arranges child elements in a grid |
CQCPLayoutInset | A layout that places child elements aligned to the border or arbitrarily positioned |
CQCPLegend | Manages a legend inside a QCustomPlot |
CQCPLineEnding | Handles the different ending decorations for line-like items |
CQCPMarginGroup | A margin group allows synchronization of margin sides if working with multiple layout elements |
CQCPPainter | QPainter subclass used internally |
CQCPPlottableLegendItem | A legend item representing a plottable with an icon and the plottable name |
CQCPPlotTitle | A layout element displaying a plot title text |
CQCPRange | Represents the range an axis is encompassing |
CQCPScatterStyle | Represents the visual appearance of scatter points |
CQCPStatisticalBox | A plottable representing a single statistical box in a plot |
CQCustomPlot | The central class of the library. This is the QWidget which displays the plot and interacts with the user |
CRangeDialog | The RangeDialog class |
CReportMessageDialog | |
CRepresentativeSpectrumDialog | |
CScaleBarDialog | The ScaleBarDialog class Dialog for the user to create a scale bar on the image |
CScriptDialog | |
CSettingsDialog | |
CSpectraTableModel | |
CSpectrumEditor | |
CStatsDialog | |
CStitchImportDialog | |
CTestAHCA | The TestAHCA class Tests for complete clustering assignments (every point assigned to a cluster) and exclusive clustering assignments (every point is assigned to only one cluster) |
CTestDataModel | |
CTestDataset | |
CTestFileIO | |
CTestFitting | |
CTestHelpers | |
CTestNormalization | |
CTestPeakFinding | |
CTestQuantification | |
CTestSession | The TestSession class Loads mock datasets for testing classes |
CTestWorkspace | |
CThresholdDialog | |
CTransformDialog | |
CTreeItem | |
CUnivariateConcatenationDialog | |
CUnivariateData | |
CUnivariateDialog | The UnivariateDialog class Class allowing user to create univariate images |
CVCAData | The VCAData class A class for performing and storing data from Vertex Components Analysis |
CVCADialog | The VCADialog class A dialog that allows the user to perform vertex components analysis |
CVespucciDataset | The VespucciDataset class This is the main class for dealing with hyperspectral data. This handles the import and export of spectra, and the creation of maps. Images are handled by the MapData class. This class is intended to be allocated on the heap inside of a smart pointer, there is no copy constructor |
CVespucciTableModel | The VespucciTableModel class The QAbstractTableModel that handles armadillo objects for the DataViewer class |
CVespucciWorkspace | The VespucciWorkspace class A class which contains all "global variables" (that aren't held in MainWindow) |